Durée de vie des HASHoires

Un lien synthétise les fin de vie de différentes fonctions de Hash :

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Life cycles of popular cryptographic hashes (the « Breakout » chart)
Function 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
RIPEMD-128 [1]
SHA-2 family
Key Unbroken Weakened Broken
[1] Note that 128-bit hashes are at best 2^64 complexity to break; using a 128-bit hash is irresponsible based on sheer digest length.
The Hash Function Lounge has an excellent list of references for the dates.
Reactions to stages in the life cycle of cryptographic hash functions
Stage Expert reaction Programmer reaction Non-expert (« slashdotter ») reaction
Initial proposal Skepticism, don’t recommend use in practice Wait to hear from the experts before adding to OpenSSL SHA-what?
Peer reviewal Moderate effort to find holes and garner an easy publication Used by a particularly adventurous developers for specific purposes Name-drop the hash at cocktail parties to impress other geeks
General acceptance Top-level researchers begin serious work on finding a weakness (and international fame) Even Microsoft is using the hash function now Flame anyone who suggests the function may be broken in our lifetime
Minor weakness discovered Massive downloads of turgid pre-prints from arXiv, calls for new hash functions Start reviewing other hash functions for replacement Long semi-mathematical posts comparing the complexity of the attack to the number of protons in the universe
Serious weakness discovered Tension-filled CRYPTO rump sessions! A full break is considered inevitable Migrate to new hash functions immediately, where necessary Point out that no actual collisions have been found
First collision found Uncork the champagne! Interest in the details of the construction, but no surprise Gather around a co-worker’s computer, comparing the colliding inputs and running the hash function on them Explain why a simple collision attack is still useless, it’s really the second pre-image attack that counts
Meaningful collisions generated on home computer How adorable! I’m busy trying to break this new hash function, though Send each other colliding X.509 certificates as pranks Tell people at parties that you always knew it would be broken
Collisions generated by hand Memorize as fun party trick for next faculty mixer Boggle Try to remember how to do long division by hand

Copyright 2007 – 2009 Valerie Aurora

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